Friday, November 13, 2009

Another rare one

We've been having some VERY rare cancers (see my first post...squamous cell carcinoma in a parotid gland) in Duluth!

Today, I learned that you can have a neuroendocrine tumor of the cervix. My pathology text only gives a picture of it and doesn't even discuss it! The outlook (like most neuroendocrine carcinomas) is not good. They thought it was a primary lung tumor (because this is where a majority of neuroendocrine tumors are found), but it has been confirmed to be a cervical primary.

Even though this is a rare disease, it just proves that women NEED to have regular, yearly gynecological exams! So, ladies (and gentlemen who love the ladies in their lives)...PLEASE (and men, please encourage you ladies to) always have your yearly exam! :) It's all about prevention in my book!

P.S. I also learned that I was weirdly attached to the mole on my head that has now been removed! Hopefully, the pathology comes back a.o.k. (the dermatologist wasn't too worried), but I kind of miss it right now! R.I.P. mole!

1 comment:

  1. thats a good post.all women should do those yearly definitly if cervix cancer or anything like that runs through the fam. miss you tons. see you soon
