So, last week I had three specific moments, three days in a row where I said to myself (very consciously), 'WOW! I
really learned something today!' After the third specific moment, I had an overwhelming feeling that I should write down what I learned and share it with others. Maybe they (i.e. you) could learn something too?! I have a few friends whose blogs I read and then it hit me, 'Why not create my
own blog?!'
I really want to try to write down something I have learned every day! What a fun way to keep track, right?! I don't really have a format in my head about how this blog will be, but I think that is the appealing part of this! I will document personal, scientific, and worldly things I learn.
Anyway, so here it goes! Thanks, in advance, for reading. I hope you, too, learn something today.
1. Sesame Street turned 40!!!!!
2. Squamous cell carcinoma can occur in the parotid gland (1% incidence)
3. When you live alone, only YOU can kill bugs that need squashing, especially beetle-ly looking ones on your flowers!!!! YUCK!!!!