Tuesday, November 17, 2009

H1N1 is for real

I didn't "learn" this today, but I got to see first hand the effects of H1N1.

People die. Young people die.

I did an autopsy on a young man who had complications from the flu. SO sad.

*As of 11/18/09, I had my second autopsy on a young person (younger than me!) due to H1N1! :( VERY sad!!!!!!!

*As of 11/19/09- 3rd autopsy on yet ANOTHER young person due to H1N1!!!!!! :(

Monday, November 16, 2009

Random thought...thanks to Disney

I saw a commercial for the new Disney movie (about the frog and princess) and one of the lines a character says in the preview is something along the lines of, "I want to be human! I want to have thumbs and a belly button!"

This made me think (because this is how I am), 'Hmm...in order to have a belly button, one has to have an umbilical cord.'

This got me investigating. Do all mammals come from placentas? Do animals like whales have belly buttons?! It's not something I have ever thought about (or remember learning in any class), because it seems like such a human thing (to have a belly button). :)

Anyway, all mammals are placental, except marsupials and monotremes.

Ok, so now I got to learn two additional things because of this!

1. There are mammals that LAY EGGS?! They are monotremes, e.g. platypus.
2. Marsupials have a "less-developed" placenta that limits their gestational period. True placentas allow for longer gestational periods and ultimately higher evolutionary success!

*All info was from Encyclopedia Britannica

Friday, November 13, 2009

Another rare one

We've been having some VERY rare cancers (see my first post...squamous cell carcinoma in a parotid gland) in Duluth!

Today, I learned that you can have a neuroendocrine tumor of the cervix. My pathology text only gives a picture of it and doesn't even discuss it! The outlook (like most neuroendocrine carcinomas) is not good. They thought it was a primary lung tumor (because this is where a majority of neuroendocrine tumors are found), but it has been confirmed to be a cervical primary.

Even though this is a rare disease, it just proves that women NEED to have regular, yearly gynecological exams! So, ladies (and gentlemen who love the ladies in their lives)...PLEASE (and men, please encourage you ladies to) always have your yearly exam! :) It's all about prevention in my book!

P.S. I also learned that I was weirdly attached to the mole on my head that has now been removed! Hopefully, the pathology comes back a.o.k. (the dermatologist wasn't too worried), but I kind of miss it right now! R.I.P. mole!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Not today

I learned today is not a good day to blog. :(

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New Words

1. Metafiction

Fiction that deals, often playfully and self-referentially, with the writing of fiction or its conventions.

I first heard this word this past weekend from my friend Steve. He is [truly] the smartest person I know and is very knowledgeable about all things literary. We were talking about the next "Sex and the City" movie and what some of the speculation was about story-lines. It came up that a rumored story line involved them doing a movie, in the movie, based on Carrie's book. The conversation was more in depth than that, but in the end, Steve said something along the lines of, "Oooh. Very metafictional." I had to ask him, "What is that?! Is that a real word?" Now I know!

2. "Touched"

  1. Emotionally affected; moved: very touched by the stranger's kindness.
  2. Somewhat demented or mentally unbalanced.
In reference to definition #2. I had never heard that word used to describe someone who might not be "all there". I tried to find the origin of it, speculating that it might have something to do with being "touched" by the devil (or something along those lines). I couldn't find anything.


I had no idea people could "follow" me on here! Thanks to Christy and Malika for being the first!!!! :) I hope there will be many more!

All definitions were from answers.com.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Trying Something New

So, last week I had three specific moments, three days in a row where I said to myself (very consciously), 'WOW! I really learned something today!' After the third specific moment, I had an overwhelming feeling that I should write down what I learned and share it with others. Maybe they (i.e. you) could learn something too?! I have a few friends whose blogs I read and then it hit me, 'Why not create my own blog?!'

I really want to try to write down something I have learned every day! What a fun way to keep track, right?! I don't really have a format in my head about how this blog will be, but I think that is the appealing part of this! I will document personal, scientific, and worldly things I learn.

Anyway, so here it goes! Thanks, in advance, for reading. I hope you, too, learn something today.

1. Sesame Street turned 40!!!!!
2. Squamous cell carcinoma can occur in the parotid gland (1% incidence)
3. When you live alone, only YOU can kill bugs that need squashing, especially beetle-ly looking ones on your flowers!!!! YUCK!!!!